San Antonio Non-Duality Society (SANDS)

About Us

What we are: We are a growing community in San Antonio of spiritual seekers who share a common interest in non-duality. We enjoy sharing our non-dual experience of the true nature of reality, and how it  has liberated us from the fears that were caused by the belief in an illusory separation from Self. We also like to share our peace and our happiness that arises from this realization; and, to help and encourage others along their journeys toward Self-discovery and spiritual awakening. 

What we do:  We provide a contemplative venue for spiritual seekers in San Antonio, Texas and surrounding area to meet on a regular basis.  We facilitate meetings and events for all of those who are interested in learning more about the experience of non-dual understanding. Our meetings consist primarily of viewing current videos and written materials of Rupert Spira, and other leading  non-dual teachers from around the world.  We do not consider ourselves as teachers since non-duality cannot be taught or understood by mind alone; but, it must be understood from direct experience. Our goal is to facilitate that experience.